Creating the best possible event experience is a shared goal. EventMobi’s team of support specialists is here to ensure your event management software performs exactly how you want it to–because enhancing your ability to engage and entertain your guests is our top priority.

27 Languages
16,500,000+ Attendees
92+ Countries
30,000+ Planners
Bob Vaez, Eventmobi's President and CEO
Bob Vaez
Founder & CEO
Bob is a passionate event professional and engineer, with deep expertise in mobile and web technologies for meetings, conferences, and trade shows. His vision for EventMobi’s platform is to provide event planners and marketers with the most innovative technology tools to achieve their goals through live events.
Joshua Auslander
Chief Financial Officer
Joshua (CPA, CA, CFA) is a hands-on financial executive who specializes in accounting, tax, and operations for owner-managed technology businesses. During his 20+ years as a CFO, Joshua guided 3 private companies in raising capital and navigating successful exits. He joined EventMobi in 2015.
Salman Sayany, EventMobi's VP of Engineering and Product
Salman Sayany
VP of Engineering & Product
A Computer Engineering graduate, Salman has a 15-year track record of running large engineering teams, in both government and the private sector. He joined EventMobi in December 2019 and as the company transitioned to focus on virtual events, his mandate has been to grow the engineering team to support new product development.
Thorben Grosser
VP of Strategic Partnerships & Channel
Thorben is a seasoned event planner and marketer with more than a decade of experience. He joined EventMobi in 2012 and served as the GM of the European office until 2021. He now oversees the relationship between customers and product, market positioning as well as EventMobi’s portfolio of marketing events.
Vander Guerrero
Chief Operating Officer
A graduate of Mechatronics with a masters in Information Systems, Vander was truly part of the mobile revolution in Brazil as he worked his way up working on PalmPilot software projects back in 2001. Over the last 10 years, he has held many senior executive positions in the mobile and SaaS space.
Amanda Mearns (Toms)
VP, Sales
Amanda is an experienced SaaS sales leader with 12+ years in the hospitality industry and a Bachelor of Commerce from TMU (formerly Ryerson). She has been a top contributor to EventMobi’s growth since 2015 and today combines her passions for people, technology, and events to drive sales excellence on a global scale.

Create the best event experience with the most trusted event technology

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