What is EventMobi?

EventMobi is an industry-leading event management platform, headquartered in Toronto, Canada with 100+ employees across the world. Over the last 14 years, we’ve worked with 30,000+ event planners across the world to deliver successful conferences, AGMs, workshops, trainings, user conferences, and product launches.

As a bootstrapped company, our only loyalty is to the customers we serve. Our #1 goal is to make planning, promoting, monetizing, and delivering engaging events easier for event profs—whether the event is in-person, virtual, or hybrid.

Why did EventMobi acquire Run The World?

After more than a decade of providing award-winning software & service to in-person event planners, we pivoted into virtual event technology during the pandemic. These days, we believe the future of events includes hybrid, and we’re excited to create seamless, year-round event experiences with in-person and virtual technology.

Run The World built an incredibly impressive virtual event platform and community in a short period of time. Through this transition, our goal is to offer Run The World’s customers even more powerful virtual and hybrid event tools, with the opportunity to run in-person events all in one place.

What happens now that EventMobi has acquired Run The World? 

Now that EventMobi has acquired Run The World, the Run The World team will maintain their platform for 30 days before discontinuing service. Please note that this transition means all Run The World accounts and contracts will be canceled.

What types of companies, organizations, and events does EventMobi work with?

EventMobi supports planners at a wide range of companies and organizations, but has a long history of success working with association, corporate, and higher education events.

We’re not a good fit for festivals, weddings, consumer events, or streaming parties.

How can I get more information?
At 12PM EST on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, EventMobi’s CEO Bob Vaez and VP of Product Marketing Thorben Grosser will run a webinar that goes over the acquisition process, what EventMobi is, and how you can start using our platform.

You can register here.

How do I get started with EventMobi?

If you’d like to start an account with EventMobi, you can attend our informational webinar or contact sales directly.

For a limited time, we will be offering past and present Run The World customers a 50% off discount. You have until September 30th, 2023 to take advantage of this offer by speaking with an EventMobi sales team member. If you’re curious to learn more, join the webinar!

What are the plan options with EventMobi?

EventMobi offers plans for single event, multi-event and year-round engagement.

Prices vary depending on number of events and number of attendees. Generally, packages start at $3500 for single events, but for Run The World customers we’re offering plans for single events starting at $1750.

Get more details about our pricing here.

Does EventMobi provide any education or development for event planners?

Yes! We love creating content for the event prof and association prof audiences.

Want all our content? Subscribe to our newsletter.

Love to read? Explore our blog.

Want industry intel? Go through our resource center.

Excited to learn more about EventMobi’s product? Visit our video center

Does EventMobi offer a free plan?

EventMobi does not offer a free plan. However, our sales team could set you up with a demo space so you can explore the features.

Can you give me a free trial for my next event?

Unfortunately, we can’t offer free trials for actual events. However, we can offer you a free demo and the ability to explore an event space with our team.

If you need more information, you can reach out to Sales.

Can I stream for free with EventMobi?

No, you cannot stream for free. There is streaming functionality for paying events customers, but if you were using Run The World to watch movies with friends, we recommend you explore one of the many free & legal group streaming options available to viewers!

Can I still sign in to my Run The World account?

You can sign in until September 2, 2023.

What will happen to my events?

You will have access to your events until September 2, 2023. After that, Run The World will cease service. We recommend downloading your videos, attendee lists, and event analytics data.

If you need support with your Run The World account, reach out to support@runtheworld.today.

Can you extend my access to Run The World?

Unfortunately, the Run The World team will not be able to facilitate extended access to their platform.

I just paid for another month of Run The World, or until the end of the year. Can I get a refund?

In order to get a refund, you’ll need to reach out to the Run The World team at support@runtheworld.today by September 1, 2023.

What if I got my account through AppSumo?

All Run The World accounts, including those purchased through AppSumo, will be available until September 2, 2023, at which point the platform will be discontinued. More information on your AppSumo deal can be found on their Help site. If you have additional questions related to your AppSumo purchase, we recommend getting in touch with their team for further assistance.

How did you get my contact information?

When EventMobi acquired Run The World, we received the same level of consent to contact their account holders that they held. If you don’t want to receive emails from us in the future, that’s fine! You can unsubscribe at any time.

If you do stay subscribed, though, you’ll get:

  • Offers, promotions & deals
  • Invites to our exclusive event planner webinar series
  • Helpful content updates from our blog and resource center
  • Exclusive releases from our video center and youtube channel

Even if you aren’t an EventMobi customer, we’ll make sure you get the best insight into the event planning & event tech space.

Can I see how EventMobi’s product features compare to Run the World’s?

Absolutely! Check out the chart below to see how EventMobi’s features look compared to similar features that Run the World had.

Feature Comparison

Run The WorldEventMobi
Round Table
Breakout rooms are based on topics, with attendees having the option to move from one topic to another. Groups are 3-8 people.
Interactive Breakout Rooms
Breakout rooms embedded within a session page. Attendees can move from one session to another. However, these are listed separately within the Event Space. Groups of up to 200 attendees. 
Host panel discussions with up to 15 speakers. Add polls, music or share screen.
Host panel discussions using the video experience options (i.e. live stream, on demand, EventMobi Studio). 
Add a Live Poll from the Audience Engagement area, when creating the session. 
Music and screens can be shared via the video platform that is being used for the session. 
Live Q&A
Meeting room where attendees can “grab the mic” to come to the stage and interact with the speakers in person.
Interactive Breakout Rooms
Speakers and attendees can interact together in a room for a live Q&A session. 

Ask a Question
Attendees can submit questions within the session page and upvote other people’s questions. The speakers can then address these questions while they are presenting. 
1:1 Speed Networking
Multiple networking sessions happening at the same time that can be organized at random or based on specific matching criteria.
Appointment Booking
Attendees can schedule 1:1 meetings with other attendees at the event. 

Interactive Breakout Rooms
Attendees can be assigned to a session that includes a breakout room where they can connect with other attendees. 
Streaming Party
Stream or upload video for people to watch together, Hosts can pop up in the middle whenever they want. 
Virtual Sessions including a Video Experience
Hosts can share video through the session using one of the Video Experiences available – Live Stream, On Demand, EventMobi Studio, Conference URL or Interactive Breakout Room
Easy-Join Link 
Share a link with attendees. No download or registration required. 
Event Space URL
The Event Space URL can be shared with attendees to access the event from the browser of their computer or smartphone device. 
Customizable invitation pages
Integrated ticketing
Ticketing tiers and promo codes
Customizable reg surveys
EventMobi Registration
Customizable invitation emails/pages
Integrated ticketing
Ticketing tiers and promo codes
Conditional Registration Fields & more
Branding & Insights
Custom theme colors & branding
Send emails to attendees & speakers
Download attendee emails and insights
Download chat & comment transcripts
Event Design Studio
Custom colors and logo for the Event Space

Page Designer
Design custom pages that can be used within the Event Space and/or as the Home Page.

Announcements and Self-Edit Links
Send email communications to specific Groups of people (i.e. Speakers and Attendees)

People Library
Download the attendee information contained in their profiles. 

Session Chat 
Download chat transcripts from the session chat

Download data related to usage and engagement.
1:1 Speed Networking
Small group discussions
Attendee profiles
Post-event group and 1:1 chat 
Appointment Booking
Group Discussion Channels
Activity Feed
Attendee Profiles & Chat
Interactive Breakout Rooms
Up to 10k attendees
Multi-session and multi-track events
Live Q&A
Integrated Polling
RTMP streaming
Download event recordings
Event Space can support more than 10k attendees
Multi-session, multi-track and multi-agenda events
Ask a Question (Q&A)
Live Polls 
Session Chat 
Video Experiences:
– Live Streaming 
– On Demand
– Interactive Breakout Rooms
– Conference Links
– EventMobi Studio
Video Library (upload video and/or download video content from live streamed sessions)
Personal Schedules 
Link to Speaker Profiles
Attach Documents and link to online resources
Session Feedback Surveys
Sponsor shoutouts
Sponsor booths
Sponsor insights
Company profiles (and Virtual Booths)
Banners Designer Pages
Gamification challenges to drive traffic to sponsors
Sponsored announcements and surveys
Company Groups / Sponsorship tiers
Interactive Sessions
Live Q&A
Emoji reactions
Chat and messaging
Integrated polling
Interactive Sessions 
Live Polls
Ask a Question
Session Chat (with emoji reactions and replies)
Interactive Breakout Rooms
Agenda Management
Multi-track events
Panels and meet ups 
1:1 Speed networking
Round Table
Agenda Management
Multi-Track and Multi-Agenda events
Video experiences for a variety of virtual formats
Personal Schedules 
Integrated Marketing
Customize event colors and logo
Facebook and Google Analytics tracking
Zapier to connect to marketing tools
Integrated Marketing 
Customized colors and logo
Integrations (including built-in, API & custom)
Showcase Sponsors
Track number of logo impressions
Measure booth attendance
Showcase Sponsors
Banner analytics
Pageview analytics
Collect Insights
See who participated the most at the event
See how many people, including who, participated at the event
Attendance, engagement and pageview analytics. 
Session check-in and pageviews
Gamification engagement and challenges
Banner Ad engagement
Networking analytics 
Live Stream and Video analytics

Read the FAQ and still need help? Contact our support team.